The first day of the LaiQ’s show in Santa Fe

LaiQ 初海外個展の初日を無事終えましたー!レセプション🎉もたくさんの方に来ていただきアーティストトークも2人で頑張りました👍そして初日から絵のお買い上げも❣️素晴らしいキックオフとなり、この調子で3週間盛り上がっていきたいですー💖

The first day of LaiQ’s first overseas solo exhibition has come to a successful! Many people came to the reception 🎉 and we both did our best at the artist talk 👍 and we had a great kick off with the purchase of a painting from the first day❣️We hope to keep this up for the next 3 weeks 💖.